by Hiroko Tabuchi
Thursday, April 23, 2009
provided by
The New York Times

Officials in Hamamatsu, an industrial town in central Japan, describe the plan to encourage Latin American guest workers, who are descendants of Japanese emigrants, to return home.
Rita Yamaoka, a mother of three who immigrated from Brazil, recently lost her factory job here. Now, Japan has made her an offer she might not be able to refuse.
The government will pay thousands of dollars to fly Mrs. Yamaoka; her husband, who is a Brazilian citizen of Japanese descent; and their family back to Brazil. But in exchange, Mrs. Yamaoka and her husband must agree never to seek to work in Japan again.
Japan’s offer, extended to hundreds of thousands of blue-collar Latin American immigrants, is part of a new drive to encourage them to leave this recession-racked country. So far, at least 100 workers and their families have agreed to leave, Japanese officials said.
But critics denounce the program as shortsighted, inhumane and a threat to what little progress Japan has made in opening its economy to foreign workers.
1 件のコメント:
ポー 様
仕事が減ってしまって失業したことには同情しますが、アメリカでH1-B就労ビザなどで働いている、永住権を持たない外国人が失業したらどうなるでしょうか。確か72時間以内に自費でアメリカから出て行かなくてはならないと記憶していますが違いますでしょうか? 他国でも概ね同じだと思います。
自費で帰れば就労目的で日本に来ないなどと約束しなくても良いのではないですか? 冷たいようですが、アメリカ企業で働いていましたので、外国人がサポートもなく厳しい状況に置かれるのは身をもって知っています。