The custom in Japan is to take your shoes off when you enter a home. I went to a party at a house in Kyoto on Saturday night. Look at this mess! 土曜日の夜、友達の友達の家にパーティがあって。。。玄関がえらいことになっていた!
...and one box of foot powder! パウダー一本だけじゃ絶対足りない!
2 件のコメント:
Hi Paul
It's pris who asked for a hug at the studio yesterday.
Thank you so much! It was wonderful talking to you too! It makes me so happy to have great listners like you. Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to come see us on our last day. Please, keep in touch!
2 件のコメント:
Hi Paul
It's pris who asked for a hug at the studio yesterday.
Keep in touch!
Thank you so much!
It was wonderful talking to you too!
It makes me so happy to have great listners like you. Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to come see us on our last day.
Please, keep in touch!