I practically peed myself when I saw this graduation picture. It takes a few seconds, but it'll hit you. This..well, let's just say that I felt bad that I laughed as hard as I did.
A picnic the other day along Kamogawa. Just about EVERYBODY seems to have kids or be getting married...except...
お昼ごはん。 ポーちゃんオリジナル豚しょうが焼き、スパイシースクランブル・エッグ&サラダ。
Once again back is the incredible! Yes BUGGIN' OUT is back!
Hip-Hop, House, Funk, Breakbeats, Crossover etc.
日時:Friday 6/12 9pm~4am 場所:Club Collage in Kiyamachi.
I'll be DJing with Fio Fiasco and some other cats.