I finally got a new phone after losing my old one last weekend. I'd show you a picture of it, but I can't because the camera is in the phone and...well, you get the picture (slight pun intended).
金曜日のBuggin' Out。 S&M t-shirtのお陰で(?)ポーちゃんモテモテ! What can I say? The ladies dig the S&M's t-shirt!
By far the best longboarding video I've ever seen. Beautiful song too.
Got my 3 day pass, and I'm ready for Summer Sonic...even though I'm only there for 1 day. 天気はこんな感じ。 Rockin' out in the rain with Hitomi and Gori! 帰りのバス。 In the end I ended up checking out Natti, Joan Jett & The Blackhearts, Tom-Tom Club and The Specials. Good Times!
Oh, you didn't know? The first Wednesday of August is “International Overall Day”...as declared by me. Pictured left to right, FM-Kyoto DJ's Chikayo, Paul and Hitomi.
A nice breakfast at home. ...and no that's NOT dog food on my plate.